30 Desember 2005

Satu hari sebelum malam tahun baru 2006

Sekarang harinya berbahasa Indonesia..
Yah, hari ini sehari sebelum malam tahun baru. Tahun 2005, apa yang telah aku lakukan padamu? Apa pula yang telah kamu lakukan padaku?
Kalau anda baca sebuah buku yang berjudul "Mimpi-mimpi Einstein" karangan seorang fisikawan modern *saya lupa namanya*, anda akan menjumpai sebuah pemahaman akan waktu.. sebuah dimensi yang manusia tidak pernah bisa kuasai. Yah, kita akan merenungi bagaimana bagi penalaran manusia bahwa waktu adalah relatif. Saya selalu menyukai buku itu, saya pernah diberi buku tersebut oleh seorang teman, dan hilang, kemudian saya beli sendiri, dan hilang lagi.. Tuh kan, bukunya saja 'relatif' untuk saya, apalagi waktunya.. :P
Back to the topic, eh maksudnya kembali ke topik semula (harus bahasa Indonesia ya..)
Pernah berpikir tidak bahwa pada suatu saat muda, ada saat dimana kita diminta menunjukan kartu identitas kita untuk masuk tempat-tempat tertentu.. kemudian kita tidak perlu menunjukan kartu identitas kita untuk masuk tempat tersebut.. dan kemudian tak terasa kemudian, kita diminta kembali menunjukan kartu identitas kita untuk mendapatkan diskon khusus untuk manula :).. Dengan berjalannya waktu, dunia akan mengembalikan kita pada keadaan semula. Seperti kata pepatah lama: Hidup seperti roda pedati, kadang di atas kadang di bawah.
Jadi, 2005 apa yang telah terjadi ya?
1. Saya bekerja pada perusahaan baru dengan bidang yang relatif baru dan posisi yang bisa dibilang relatif baru lagi.. Pendapatan mungkin turun, tapi Alhamdulillah masih cukup2 saja.. Kata bos saya, yang penting berkah!
2. Saya memulai praktikum saya dengan mentor yang tepat mengenai bagaimana mencari kawan dan mempengaruhi orang, wanita dan pria..
3. Saya menjalankan setahun penuh kurang satu hari (masih kurang satu hari kan?), menjadi pejantan tunggal, alias jomblo.. bukan karena ga laku lho, tapi karena hal-hal yang belum waktunya diceritakan disini *basi..* 
4. Selanjutnya, saya berkenalan dan mempelajari berbagai profesi baru.. terutama yang berkaitan dengan 'hospitality business'. Tidak rugi untuk berkenalan dengan orang2 yang berdedikasi terhadap profesinya. Seperti kata kompas, buka mata buka telinga..
Banyak yang terjadi.. banyak yang berubah.. banyak yang diubah.. tapi secara keseluruhan, tahun ini adalah salah satu tahun pembelajaran saya.. "Student of life will stop learning when he's not alive anymore". Saya belajar, maka saya hidup.
Tahun 2006? Masih banyak peluang untuk tumbuh berkembang.. kelakuan saja masih perlu banyak perbaikan.. hubungan dengan-Nya? Time management? Money management? Career? Relationship or even marriage *wow* ? Yah, masih banyak lah daftarnya.. tapi seperti kata pepatah, bila murid sudah siap, maka guru akan muncul.
Jadi, siap-siap ya.. bila ombak menyongsong, kita harus siap toh..
Kita hanya pengelola dari peluang dan masalah yang diberikan oleh-Nya.. Jadi peribahasanya ditambah ya : Kadang hidup seperti roda pedati, kadang di atas-kadang di bawah.. meskipun begitu kita harus tahu bagaimana bersikap ketika roda pedati kita sedang di bawah ataupun ketika roda pedati kita sedang berada di atas..
Selamat tahun baru 2006.
Semoga yang terbaik akan diberikan-Nya pada kita semua.
Starbucks thamrin, 30th Dec 2005
10.44 PM

20 Desember 2005

Once upon a time of feeling alone

After few times worked so hard ( I think..), travelling many places, had no time for myself by trying to kill my own time, diving in a dozen of tasks in the office.. hope that I can forget everything that has bothered me, some great memories of my history.
I just found that we cannot be a 'human' just by focusing on one thing only.. we still have religion to trust, family to take care, friends to hang out, and even soulmate to travel the live..
And right now, I'm stuck in the same place I often write blog, Starbucks thamrin. Contemplating, expressing, and writing.. Try to hide from the world, express my mind into words.. Words that stored in hidden website, with not so many people read, maybe just you and me..
I'm listening a jazz music, instrumental, hmm.. quite chilling me out. Suddenly I remember the novel by Seno Gumira Aji Dharma, "Jazz, Parfum dan Skandal".. The atmospher here is quite similar.. I can sense the loneliness here, mix with jazz music in the coffee shop. At the background, I hear people chatting about everything.. But, in the middle of this crowd, I can hear the silence tell me that she's still exist. Just waiting for her turn. And slowly, I'm killed by the silence..

Slank - Terbunuh Sepi


Gerimis di tengah malam ..

Ditempat sedingin ini .. aku sendiri ..

Dan tak ada ..tempat mengadu ..

Dan bibir untuk kucium..sepi membunuhku ..

Kuterlepas tak terkendali ..

Dan aku tenggelam .. semakin dalam ..

Oh tak ada .. tempat berteduh

Dan tubuh untuk kupeluk.. sepi membunuhku




Hey, have you ever thought, how many people meet at the first time on this coffee shop? Maybe they met here... got to know each other here.. and suddenly good thing happened..
Actually, what do you want to do in this life? Just playing around? Or working so hard? And suddenly your time has passed away? Or you may have a GREAT life.. not just a good one. A great life is not taken for granted, right? You have to fulfil it with so many good and also, offcourse, sometimes bad things.
How old will you be when you pass away? 20, 40, 60, 80, or even 100 years? You'll never know, but even you get 100, you will not even miss one chance of living when you only got 100 years to live..
Five for fighting : 100 Years
15 there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to lose
15, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got 100 years to live
Back to the topic, have you got any plan for yourself? How about your family? Your future children? Grandchildren? Have you seen any exact clear picture of your future.. what do you really want to be happened? Or maybe you have no picture at all? Well, just don't let your fear makes you afraid to draw the dreams.. Just like my friend said: don't let the fear of striking out puts you out of the game..


Kemenangan hari ini...

Bukanlah berarti kemenangan esok hari

Kegagalan hari ini...

Bukanlah kegagalan esok hari

Tak ada yang jatuh dari langit

Dengan cuma-cuma

Semua usaha dan do'a

Kebenaran hari ini

Bukanlah berarti

kebenaran saat nanti

Kebenaran bukanlah kenyataan

Hidup adalah perjuangan

Tanpa henti-henti

usah kau...

menangisi hari kemarin

Hidup adalah perjuangan

Bukanlah arah dan tujuan

Hidup adalah perjalanan


Dewa : Hidup Adalah Perjoeangan



Well, just grab your stick and start the game, hit your home run, don't you??


This is just my contemplation.. an hour of thinking.

Keeping the gear oiled.. Just to remind that my mind and soul are alive.. Standing here alone but not lonely..




Starbucks Thamrin, 20 Dec 2005 11:22 WIB

8 Desember 2005

After a lot of travelling schedules

These last two weeks, I went to Bandung-Cirebon and Denpasar. Well, those were inspiring journeys.. Many new things I found in the journeys.
When I went to bandung, actually that was my first self-driving car to Bandung (alone!). In the Cipularang toll, I bought a glass of Starbucks Frappucino. New store, still not fully-operating yet, but quite satisfying. There will be VENTI cup there..  (Big cup of starbucks coffee). Yummy :P
BTW, last nite I went to Jakarta Theatre's Starbucks, there were also Venti cup.. so I think, this size of cup will be sold in every starbucks' stores. Aahh, there will be much caffein run through my vein.. I must control it before I get arterioschlerosis! Shit.. :(
Speaking of starbucks' store, Now, I have came to at least seven of those stores *I just read magazine that they have 35 stores, last one they built it in Trans TV Tower*. Damn, how lucky they are.. having a regular customer like me.
So, back to the topic, after short drive to bandung and took a rest at my brother's place, I was continuing the journey to Cirebon. What a clean city, there was no litter on the road.. When I went to other cities different from jakarta, I always confused that many neat cities much more better than Jakarta. So, I wonder why jakarta get so sophisticated, but still can't manage their garbage (mane aje om sutioso???). But, like one of my boss said, It's quite hard to renovate a mosque to be a church.. old habit die hard!
Cirebon, nice city to get some vacation.. They have nasi jamblang in very small portion (you can eat 3 portions of it even if you're not hungry!). They also have many delicious foods and beverages, if you have interest for a culinary journey, you should try nasi jamblang, empal gentong, kerupuk kulit, etc in Cirebon.
Back from Cirebon to Bandung, I went to my colleague's friend who has business of hi-end audio. Damn, the hi end audio is very intriguing.. Eventhough the price is very expensive, you get what you pay for.. When I listened the music through this device set: one cd player, d/a converter, pre-amp, amplifier, speaker, when I sat in front of the set and closed my eyes, I could feel the location of the instruments that produce sound, as in I listen some live music in front of me! For this set, you should pay more than Rp.100 mil. But that's nothing, compared to a set of hi end device which cost you about Rp.5 Bil! Only one person in Indonesia has this device (from bandung). I couldn't imagine the sound produced from this device...! That's the world of Hi-end community.. they have the club for this hobby.
One week after this jouney, I went to bali.........! This is my fourth time go to bali this year. What a lovely, passionate, romantic, and exotic place Bali is.. I'm never bored with this place. BALI... I really love this place.. There're so many nice things happen in this place. I went there for a biz trip, to support an exhibition on a ortophedics surgeon symposium.. Actually, it shouldn't be me go there.. but, because my boss doesn't like go to bali, he passed the ticket to me.. how lucky I was.
My favourite band, Asia One, also performed at Hardrock Kuta.. M, I'm officially missing you now.... BTW, M is my favourite personel in the band. I was falling in love with her! BASI.. First time, I met her in hard rock jakarta.. she's not interesing first time I saw her.. but after she performed, how she sang, how she danced, DAMN, suddenly I just lost.. After I knew her much better, I found that she is very interesting.. a lady singer, who has minus-10 eyes.. So, in daily life, she has thick glass, it's so funny to see she sees from side of her eyes, it's like she had 4 eyes... Although I still can't really understand her (one of the most complicated girl I had found), I respect and admire her choice to be a band singer for one and a-half year and back to college student in May 2006. That's one of my falling in love feeling after quite long break.. (sayang kaga jodoh).. Yah, jadi 'teman tapi mesra' saja sudah senang..
Back to the bali trip, I spent time with band crew, hrc staff, and the DJ, his name is Ramses.. .hey, I got DJ friend now.. Many new things I found from DJ point of views.. (actually, most of them is about girl and how to lay..). Ah, it's also the same like other.. DJ juga manusia, punya rasa punya hati.. juga punya birahi.. :) Now, I have good friend there.. well, if I go to bali again, at least I get place to hang out..  HRC bali maan!! Woohooo..
Next trip, I'll go to jogja.. I hope I can visit hugo's and maybe meet some other people there, including my another favourite band which is from phillipine , Zynergy..
Finally, rite now, I just wanna say I miss the feeling of falling in love again.. can u all give me some hints?
Cempaka mas, My office, 8 Dec 2005 8.39 PM,
cokhy indira fasha