30 Desember 2005
Satu hari sebelum malam tahun baru 2006
20 Desember 2005
Once upon a time of feeling alone
Slank - Terbunuh Sepi
Gerimis di tengah malam ..
Ditempat sedingin ini .. aku sendiri ..
Dan tak ada ..tempat mengadu ..
Dan bibir untuk kucium..sepi membunuhku ..
Kuterlepas tak terkendali ..
Dan aku tenggelam .. semakin dalam ..
Oh tak ada .. tempat berteduh
Dan tubuh untuk kupeluk.. sepi membunuhku
15 there's still time for you
Time to buy and time to lose
15, there's never a wish better than this
When you only got 100 years to live
Kemenangan hari ini...
Bukanlah berarti kemenangan esok hari
Kegagalan hari ini...
Bukanlah kegagalan esok hari
Tak ada yang jatuh dari langit
Dengan cuma-cuma
Semua usaha dan do'a
Kebenaran hari ini
Bukanlah berarti
kebenaran saat nanti
Kebenaran bukanlah kenyataan
Hidup adalah perjuangan
Tanpa henti-henti
usah kau...
menangisi hari kemarin
Hidup adalah perjuangan
Bukanlah arah dan tujuan
Hidup adalah perjalanan
Dewa : Hidup Adalah Perjoeangan
Well, just grab your stick and start the game, hit your home run, don't you??
This is just my contemplation.. an hour of thinking.
Keeping the gear oiled.. Just to remind that my mind and soul are alive.. Standing here alone but not lonely..
Starbucks Thamrin, 20 Dec 2005 11:22 WIB
8 Desember 2005
After a lot of travelling schedules
16 November 2005
Tempat pribadi di tempat umum vs D50
Kalau anda membaca kompas kemarin hari minggu, 13 Nov 2005, anda akan mengetahui bahwa saya sangat kesepet dengan pembahasan fenomena pada artikel "Rumahku Bukan Istanaku Lagi... " (atau kalau belum membaca, silakan lihat di sini).
Bagi saya benar bahwa di kota Jakarta yang sungguh crowded, banyak orang yang merasa jenuh di dalam keramaian, tapi juga lebih jenuh di dalam kesepian. Pulang kantor lebih menyenangkan bila kita bertemu dengan teman di tempat yang santai, minum kopi dengan alunan musik jazz seperti yang saya lakukan sekarang. Untuk saya, bahkan walaupun tanpa teman, tidak rugi saya menghabiskan waktu di kafe dengan kopi khusus dan laptop ber-wifi mencari informasi baru, membaca email, mengupdate friendster, atau bahkan sekedar menulis blog iseng.
Baru saja saya ber-sms ria dengan seorang klien sekaligus teman dekat saya. Orangnya sangat memperhatikan saya, sehingga kadang-kadang ada indikasi jatuh hati kepada saya. GR boleh GR, tapi tadi dia sedikit meng-komplain saya dengan aktivitas yang sedang saya dilakukan sekarang. Berhubung saya merasa nyaman untuk berkata apa adanya kepada wanita ini, bahwa saya menikmati kegiatan seperti ini.. maklum tidak banyak yang bisa dilakukan di rumah, selain tidur dan nonton DVD atau baca buku.
Well, berhubung saya sedang malas untuk melakukan dua hal terakhir apalagi untuk masalah tidur, saya berusaha melakukan seperlunya saja, jadi saya merasa kurang relevan pulang ke rumah cepat. Walaupun dengan menghabiskan uang rata-rata 50 ribu rupiah, saya merasa hal ini worthed. Do you feel the same way?
The bad news is, I have difficulties saving money to buy D50 if I'm still doing the same thing. Basi ga tuh... Doain ye biar saya bisa nabung dengan benar! Katanya mau jadi orang yang mau memperbudak uang... My financial planning skill still needs improvement.
Aaaa..... D50, aku menginginkanmuh.......
Jakarta, 16 Nov 2005 1:07 WIB
13 November 2005
Teman lama, hunting, dan mengenai ada-tiada
Dimulai dari ketidaksengajaan bertemu di tempat temen kembar gw, keluar bareng dan akrab banget. Padahal dulu kalo ketemu cuma say hi doang, sekarang kok jadi sobatan bener yak? Mulai hang out di starbucks Djakarta Teater, nyari DVD bajakan, nonton bareng, sampe akhirnya ke HRC bareng, joget lagi…
Dasar jomblo happy hour semua!
Bener yah, ga tau ada sparkling2 atau tidak, tapi kecenderungan as single person, gw melihat bahwa jalan bareng itu bisa menghilangkan perasaan kesepian lagi ga punya hubungan khusus sama lawan jenis. *Huahuahuaaaaaaa…:( *
Kalo keterusan bisa2 jadi dah tuh… buktinya sudah ada undangan2 dari teman wanita gw untuk menghadiri pernikahan bersama (yang tentunya ditolak sama teman saya, yang baru putus itu loh…). Hahaha, masih bingung, dia belon get over…
BTW, kemaren di HRC hunting foto. Cukup seru, dengan kamera SLR digital Nikon D70 punya si wika, ternyata bisa menghasilkan beberapa gambar yang lumayan. Buat yang mau tahu apakah itu kamera SLR, silakan lihat di sini.
Sudah lama ga pegang kamera ternyata masih punya feeling juga, tinggal diasah lagi sedikit. Wisnu, official model of the day, tampak bersemangat menjalankan perannya menjadi model dadakan di EX. Lokasinya sendiri juga asik, dengan interior yang bagus, warna warni lagi. Sayang, pada cahaya rendah, kameranya harus pake blitz. Jadi ga terlalu bagus warnanya… Ini adalah beberapa gambar hasil perburuan :
Kalo begini sih, sepertinya jadi deh gw beli kamera digital SLR. Nikon D50 aja ah, yang terjangkau dikit. Tinggal dicari aja kalkulasi finansialnya. Jadi deh gw tukang poto keliling, cari proyek buat pembiayaan beli peralatan fotografi baru...
Beberapa hari yang lalu, entah di mana, gw menemukan kata-kata yang ’dalam’ di internet dan membuat gw berpikir dalam.
We join spokes in a wheel
but it is the center hole
that makes the wagon move
We shape clay into pot
but it is the emptiness inside
that holds whatever we want
We hammer wood for a house
but it is the inner space
that makes it livable
We work with being
but not-being is what we use
[Lao Tzu, 'Tao Te Ching', hoofdstuk 11, ca. 500v.Chr]
Do you agree with him? Well, I do.
Keberadaan tidak bisa menghilangkan ketidakberadaan, begitu pula sebaliknya...
Jakarta, 13 Nov 2005 - 11.42
7 November 2005
Love song for no one
Actually, I met them because I was needed by my best friend to be his wing person for meeting these twin sisters.
The fact that I'm interested in is new perspective from women's point of view about men-women relationship. OK, maybe not all kind of women's view, but at least the twins' view about relationship! *cokhy, don't generalize people!*
I have many long-hour discussions about relationship with men, but I rarely talk about this thing to women. And I found that few people *not only women* are living by their love. Love is the biggest slice of their life, the majority, more than 75%! If their love life is failed, then they're TOTALLY not happy with their live. Their life is ruined!
I contemplate to myself... Now, I'm single, often 'meeting' with some women, finding interesting points of women, trying to find my soul mate. Even though, I still have no luck in this area, I learn many things about relationship.
I learn the psychology of fear approaching woman and try to beat it. I learn to understand women, to make them comfortable by being myself, the methods of being 'the one' for the woman. In the path of learning, sometimes I feel that these movements make me feeling guilty. The twins said, like other people told me so, KARMA will get me!! *damn*
Also, these learning things don't take me to my soul mate. I just found these women liked me, I never *not yet* really fall in love with a girl.
My last falling-in-love moment was with lovely Ms. PHM in Jan-Mar 2005. I have had over her... But, it was a hard time to forget her... It has never been easy to erase someone that un-empty your heart! You must see a movie: "Eternal sunshine of spotless mind".
Now, I'm still stuck with my method finding my true love. Try to find needle in hay stack by removing hay one-by-one. Maybe I will give up later, try another method to find the one. But the question is: "Could I have missed my chance and watch you walk away?"
John Mayer's Song : "Love Song For No One"
Flat on my floor looking back
On old love
Or lack thereof
After all the crushes have faded
And all my wishful thinking was wrong
I'm jaded
I hate it
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
So tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
Get here..
Searching all my days just to find you
Not sure who I'm looking for
I'll know it
When I see you
Till then, I'll hide in my bedroom
Just staying up all night just to write
A love song for no one
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
I'm so tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
I could have met you in a sandbox
I could have passed you on the sidewalk
Could I have missed my chance
And watched you walk away?
Oh no away
I could have met you in a sandbox
I could have passed you on the sidewalk
Could I have missed my chance
And watched you walk away?
I'm tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
So tired of being alone
So hurry up and get here
You'll be so good
You'll be so good for me
Ohh I know you'll be so good for me
For me
Jakarta, Nov 7th, 2005 - 16.02 WIB
6 November 2005
Liburan Idul Fitri
Liburan Idul Fitri kali ini tidak seperti biasanya. H+4, hari senin ini sudah harus masuk kerja, maklum belum satu tahun di B Braun, perusahaan baru saya. Oleh karena waktu yang tersedia sangat terbatas, maka harus dimanfaatkan dengan baik dong. Makanya H+1, keluarga saya dan saya pergi ke bandung mengunjungi kakek dan nenek. Karena sekarang, H+2, ada waktu luang, saya bertualang kembali ke nostalgia lama.
Well, right now I'm at my 'old home', Studio Komputer Lantai 4 Departemen Biologi ITB. This place was used to be my very first home. I lived here since 2001 ‘til 2004. Quite long huh? I worked, played, slept, dreamed, even took a bath here. I rarely visited my'kos2an' (dormitory) just to put my laundry there. Therest, I did here...
I'm seeing my old photo files, like Bali tour, excursion to Panjalu Lake (west java), even my ‘room mates’ here.
These are some pictures I want to show u..
This picture shows my room mates and I had dinner at preparation room near studio komputer. This so many people also slept in this room... I’ll show you later the picture...
This picture shows my excursion to Panjalu Lake. It was a lovely lake. In the middle of this lake, there is an island with many huge bats living there.
There are so many nostalgic memories I can see from this place... Too bad, preparation room was already taken back by the department. There were also many memories in that other side of 4th floor of Departmentof Biology ITB.
I think there are few places which are not influenced by time. Sometimes we have to get back to those places, just to remind us who we were, just to remind us to keep moving forward.
Bandung, November 6th, 2005
31 Oktober 2005
Well, for people who does not know me, I am Cokhy. Now, I'm working on a surgical product company called B Braun.
Today, I just 'participated' in a surgery at RS MMC Jakarta, implanting my chemotherapy device called "Celsite Access Port" into a patient . Basically, it is just a simple catether put into a vascular goes directly to your heart. But, the implantation is not as simple as the device is.
Today is the first implantation for the surgeons. Because they were not familiar to this device, they still needed my assistancy to implant it. I just found out that not all doctors are capable doing things professionally. I felt dizzy when I saw one of the surgeon tried to find a vein by punch a big-big needle into patient's neck many times just because he could found the patient's vein. Phew..
Today I know that "Dokter juga manusia!". They still need to learn things for their own professional skill and I can see now, which one is well-trained doctor, which one is not!
Thanks God, the surgery went well. The patient will be OK and enjoy his improved quality of life.
The second fact is that the cost of the action is very expensive. For that kind of simple surgery, they will cost you 10 million rupiahs. Plus, the device is about 8-10 mil (they buy from me about 6 mil). Total, the implantation will cost you 20 million rupiahs. Damn, what a cost!
So people, the conclusion is please analyze your doctor who treat you. Ask their previous patients or people around him/her whether he/she is good or not! Because, whether he/she is good or not, he/she will charge you a very expensive cost!
That's a fact in the lovely Indonesia and you should prepare for it!